Alternative Climate Adaptive Livelihood for the Vulnerable Communities

Alternative Climate Adaptive Livelihood for the Vulnerable Communities


  • Improve capacity of women and youth on climate adaptive livelihood strategies.
  • Reduce gender gap in having access to market services, commodities, and financial inclusion.
  • Raise community awareness about climate change impacts and social issues

Project Summary

Alternative Climate Adaptive Livelihood for the Vulnerable Communities project aims to enhance sustainable development in Khulna by addressing climate change impacts, empowering marginalized groups such as women and youth, and improving their quality of life through a comprehensive and sustainable approach. Khulna, most vulnerable coastal region in Bangladesh, is massively affected by heavy rain and flash floods due to climate change that has negative impacts on livelihoods, including agriculture, homestead gardens, and household usage, forcing the poorest people, including women and girls, to struggle for survival. As a result of climate change, Kamarkhola Union in Dacope Upazila is highly affected by flash floods, waterlogging, scarcity of fresh water, and salinity. Climate change and destructive activities result in a scarcity of freshwater that affects livelihoods and reduces employment opportunities. To address these challenges, an alternative livelihood project is proposed, focusing on climate-smart agriculture technology, improved cooking stoves, and community sensitization. The project aims to introduce flood and salinity-tolerant crops and smart cooking stove technology, which can restore degraded land, reduce environmental hazards, and create new livelihood opportunities for women and youth between 18 and 35. Moreover, community sensitization to the effects of climate change on sanitation, hygiene, waste management, child marriage, and gender-based violence is critical to address these issues comprehensively and holistically.

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