Ending Gender Stereotypes in Classrooms

The “Ending Gender Stereotypes in Classrooms” project in Bangladesh, jointly implemented by the JAAGO Foundation Trust and UN Women, has successfully challenged gender stereotypes in educational institutions. The project adopted a multi-faceted approach, targeting students, teachers, parents, and the broader community. While student sessions were instrumental in fostering a gender-inclusive learning environment, recent developments have underscored the critical importance of sensitizing teachers and parents. Teachers and parents serve as influential role models, shaping students’ perceptions of gender roles and equality.
Partnerships with school management teams, youth leaders, and local leaders were instrumental in driving change within schools and communities. Youth leaders, in particular, brought fresh perspectives and enthusiasm to the project, serving as catalysts for student engagement and advocacy.
Key achievements include:
Government Engagement: Through a national-level advocacy dialogue, government actors recognized the importance of addressing gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) in educational institutions. This led to increased collaboration and partnerships among government bodies, civil society organizations, and educational stakeholders.
Student and Youth Involvement: The project actively engaged students and youth networks to drive gender transformative change. It equipped teachers with gender-sensitive teaching methods, reaching 158 educators, who committed to fostering a discrimination-free learning environment.
Parent and School Management Committee Participation: Sensitization workshops involving parents and School Management Committee members generated a collective understanding of the need to challenge traditional gender norms. These stakeholders committed to advocating for violence-free and gender-inclusive educational environments.
Positive Impact on Students: Targeted sessions encouraged students to reflect on and challenge their own gender-related attitudes and behaviors. Role reversal sports activities broke down gender stereotypes, promoting inclusivity in sports.
The project’s multi-faceted approach fostered a culture that challenges gender stereotypes, advocating for inclusivity and equality. Moving forward, JAAGO Foundation Trust remains committed to sustaining these efforts and creating lasting positive change within educational institutions and the broader community. The project “Ending Gender Stereotypes in Classrooms” has made significant strides toward creating inclusive and discrimination-free educational institutions.
- Government actors actively engaged and influenced to promote Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment and the elimination policies of violence against women within educational institutions.
- National-level advocacy dialogue raised awareness among teachers, students, and policymakers, leading to government recognition of the need for action.
- Transformative changes observed among students, teachers, parents, and school management committee members in attitudes and behaviors related to gender stereotypes and violence.
- Significant reductions in the percentages of students who couldn’t recognize gender stereotypes, believed them to be harmless, and thought gender norms were unchangeable, with a shift from over 60% to less than 3% in most cases.