Youth for Change: A community participatory inclusive programme to ensure informed, long-term, and sustained participation of youth in decision-making processes.

Youth for Change: A community participatory inclusive programme to ensure informed, long-term, and sustained participation of youth in decision-making processes.


To ensure informed, long-term, and sustained youth participation in decision-making processes.

Project Summary

The project tackles the problem of limited civic education and engagement among the youth. To overcome this challenge, the project promotes civic education, engagement, and participation among young people. The primary goal of this initiative is to enhance the awareness and understanding of citizenship roles and practices, including its rights and duties, and how young people can actively contribute to society.

To achieve the above objectives, the project includes a workshop with experts, module development, registration, capacity-building training, community awareness campaigns, media mobilization, and a national civic awareness seminar. Through these, young people are equipped with the knowledge and skills required to bring about positive changes in their communities. The initiative promotes active citizenship and raises awareness of the value of civic participation, and human rights education among young people.

The capacity-building training will be conducted for 480 young people from 16 districts of 8 divisions. The training sensitizes young people about the theoretical, political, and practical aspects of citizenship roles and practices. The impact this training has on these young individuals is that they gain knowledge about their rights and responsibilities as citizens, learn how to engage in civic activities, and discover ways to participate in decision-making processes.

We also develop civic education, active citizenship, and engagement awareness among young people and community members in the target area. This is achieved through the implementation of participatory awareness campaigns and media mobilization initiatives. Additionally, a national civic awareness seminar is conducted, which sensitises 400 young people from all 64 districts on civic education practices and active citizenship roles. This seminar also provides a platform for young people to interact, learn from each other, and share experiences on how they can play an active role in society.

The project contributes to creating an informed, engaged, and active citizenry. Young people who undergo capacity-building training and participate in various awareness campaigns have the necessary skills and knowledge to positively contribute to the country’s development. By promoting civic education, engagement, and participation among young people, the project aims to empower them to play an active role in decision-making processes, which will ultimately lead to the betterment of their communities and society as a whole.

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