Volunteer for Bangladesh

Leading the way for 13 years: Volunteer for Bangladesh turns 13

Leading the way for 13 years: Volunteer for Bangladesh turns 13

Volunteer for Bangladesh (VBD), the youth wing of JAAGO Foundation, was formed with a mission– to empower youths and motivate them to create positive societal impacts and help achieve sustainable development goals.

It all began in 2009when Korvi Rakshand united youths from different walks of life to celebrate Universal Children’s Day. To mark the occasion, Korvi, along with his friends, set out to take children who worked as street vendors, selling flowers in traffic signals for a day of relaxation and fun in a theme park.

500 street children were taken to a local theme park in Dhaka, where they enjoyed the whole day doing various fun activities. In their place, Korvi’s friends and some volunteers, all of whom came from affluent families, came out in the streets of Dhaka, wearing bright yellow T-shirts and selling the flowers these children used to sell. People took a huge liking to the campaign and started to donate to this one-of-a-kind campaign for children. 

As the word of this initiative spread out, youths started to contact Korvi and expressed their enthusiasm to work on more issues like climate action, civic education, youth training, awareness, etc. To guide these young souls, in 2011, Korvi Rakshand formed Volunteer for Bangladesh. Starting from 40 volunteers in Dhaka, Volunteer for Bangladesh has expanded to 64 districts and has become a family of 50,000 members.

Since its inception, Volunteer for Bangladesh has organised tremendous events with a core focus on key areas: education, youth, climate change, women, healthcare and good governance. Their aim is to empower the youth of Bangladesh through volunteerism, fostering self-resilience for a meaningful future.

Every year, Volunteer for Bangladesh members celebrate International Mother Language Day, their empowering initiative ‘Bornomala’, where they arrange rallies, art competitions and essay competitions for students.

To raise awareness on issues like antibiotic resistance, hygiene practices, and cleanliness, VBD conducts regular training for first aid treatment and health checkup sessions for marginalised communities.

Leading the way for 13 years: Volunteer for Bangladesh turns 13

To combat climate change and protect our environment, Volunteer for Bangladesh has been arranging tree plantation campaigns at regular intervals across the nation. They also conduct recycling campaigns to reduce plastic pollution and ensure a clean earth.

Leading the way for 13 years: Volunteer for Bangladesh turns 13

In 2019, One of their most successful campaign, ‘My Road, My Responsibility’, brought together over 35,000 volunteers who came out to the streets and raised awareness on following the road laws to ensure safe roads for all.

Leading the way for 13 years: Volunteer for Bangladesh turns 13

In moments of adversity, the extraordinary volunteers of VBD courageously step up, offering their unconditional support to our nation. In 2020, when cyclone Amphan hit the southern coasts of Bangladesh, the volunteers played an active role in eradicating the sufferings of the affected people of the region. During COVID-19, they distributed masks, soaps, and sanitisers in 26 districts of the country. 

Every year on International Youth Day, VBD takes up the Great Kindness Challenge, where they extend their gratitude to social and civil workers throughout the country by giving them flowers and gifts.

Staying true to its commitment towards women’s empowerment, VBD has a zero-tolerance policy against gender-based discrimination. From hosting seminars and training sessions to combat gender-based violence to empowering female volunteers to lead the boards, the organisation embodies the spirit of equality.

Leading the way for 13 years: Volunteer for Bangladesh turns 13

VBD members have also taken the ‘Anti-Corruption Oath,’ meaning they will not participate in or tolerate corruption. They also arrange training to educate the masses on their constitutional rights and the power of democracy.

As we reflect on Volunteer for Bangladesh’s remarkable journey, it becomes more and more clear that their impact extends far beyond numbers and statistics. Through their tireless efforts and sincere dedication, VBD has touched the lives of thousands, bringing hope, empowerment, and positive change to communities across Bangladesh.

All of us at JAAGO, are immensely proud of the selfless volunteers of VBD and the incredible work they continue to do. Their passion, resilience, and unwavering belief in a brighter future for Bangladesh are a testament to the power of youth and the transformative impact of collective action.

As we move forward, let us join hands with Volunteer for Bangladesh in their noble mission, supporting them as they strive to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for generations to come. Together, we can make a difference, one act of kindness, one volunteer at a time.

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