Youth Development

Youth Empowerment Summit (YES): Empowering Youth for a Brighter Future

Youth Empowerment Summit (YES): Empowering Youth for a Brighter Future

The Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) is a training program that brings together young people from Volunteer for Bangladesh to learn, connect, and be inspired. The summit is designed to help youth realize their full potential and equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world.

Session Conducted by TikTok: Using Social Media for Positive Impact

One of the highlight sessions of the summit was the exclusive session named “BE CYBER COOL: অনলাইনে সঠিক আর ভুল” jointly arranged by TikTok and JAAGO Foundation. The session aimed to educate youth leaders on the internet safety and responsible use of social media through interactive activities and discussions.

500 youth leaders from around the country who were members of the Volunteer for Bangladesh (VBD) program attended the session. The session was facilitated by Mr Abdul Quayyam, Head of Communications, UNDP, who provided a thorough knowledge of safety in the digital domain. Famous Social Media Influencer and TV Show Host Mr Rafsan Sabab shared the stage with him to share real-life experiences on the topic.

The session was structured as a back-and-forth conversation between the expert and the influencer, allowing the participants to gain knowledge of internet safety and be exposed to practical examples and understand the thought process of a successful content creator.

Honourable Director General of Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission Brig. Gen. Md. Nasim Parvez sent a video message to the youth participants with his valuable insight on the internet safety and responsible use of social media. The video was shown during the session. He said, “Neither the government nor the platform can ensure online safety alone. We all have to work together. I would like to highlight that TikTok has a Safety Center. From this safety centre, you’ll learn how to create content, what should be in content, and how to maintain guidelines in both Bengali and English.” 

Partnership Objectives and Joint Initiatives

Officials from TikTok and JAAGO Foundation took the stage to share the objectives and goals of the partnership. They also shared their joint initiatives to promote internet safety and the responsible use of social media. In addition, they announced the extension of Shabdhane Online phase 2.

Session Conducted by  International Republican Institute (IRI) and USAID: Building Resilience in a Changing World 

The seminar brought together a diverse group of individuals, including different professionals, young leaders, and experts in the field of civic education and policy, to explore the importance of civic education and how it can be leveraged to empower young people. 

The seminar featured a panel discussion, “Elevating Youth Voice: A Panel on Youth Empowerment Through Civic Engagement,” moderated by Esha Farooq, Assistant Director of Fundraising & Grants Management at JAAGO Foundation. The panel was comprised of Kregg Halstead, Resident Program Director of the Bangladesh Program at IRI; Sadia Masharuf, Lead of the Fellowship Team at the Youth Policy Forum, Bangladesh; and Anan Hasnat, a student at North South University in Bangladesh. The panellists shared their expertise and insights on how civic education can be used to empower young people highlighting the importance of civic education and the role of youth in shaping the future of their communities and country. They also shared practical examples of successful youth-led initiatives, inspiring the audience to consider how they can become more active and engaged in their communities. 

In addition to the panel discussion, the seminar also included a drama performance by a group of young people from the Rajshahi Division, which aimed to promote civic education and youth engagement. The performance motivated and inspired the attendees to become more active and engaged in their communities.

The seminar also featured a national debate, participated by two groups of young people from different districts in Bangladesh. The debate focused on the importance of promoting youth engagement in civic education and how it can help create a more informed and active citizenry.

The Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) is a valuable opportunity for young people to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals from around the world. The TikTok and IRI sessions were just two examples of the many inspiring and informative sessions that were held during the summit. By learning from experienced professionals and peers, young people can gain the confidence and skills they need to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

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